We have nutritional specialists who can assist you with your dietary needs.
A lot of us have been experiencing health issues and most of it points back to food intake. For those struggling to maintain a healthy diet or if personal dieting is less effective, we have the best dietitians and nutritional specialists to help you with the meal planning and preparation.
Now, who can avail of the Nutrition services we are offering? It could be you or anyone—a loved one or a friend that:
- is experiencing difficulties due to illnesses or disabilities
- had just been discharged from the hospital and needs some assistance in monitoring his health, medical intake, progress or continued treatment
- is ill and chooses to continue recovery and medication at home while also spending time at the Good Shepherd Medical Adult Day Care center
- having problems with mobility due to injuries, obesity, disability, or old age
Changing the way you eat can change the way you look at life. Speak with a nutritional consultant at the Day Care Center today. Set an appointment now!
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